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Are you going on archery? This is how you get ready for it

Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Are you going on archery? This is how you get ready for it

Are you interested in archery? Become a freeshooter like Robin Hood. In this short guide we will advise you how to choose a bow. Is a compound or recurve bow more suitable for you? What else do you need for archery? And how to have a proper stance when shooting? Let’s have a look at it.

The bow itself originated a long time ago. Some sources mention the 12th century BC. At that time, it was used primarily for hunting animals and for fighting. Today it is also used as a sports tool and archery has become an Olympic discipline. It is a popular sport across generations and countries. There are bows optimized for children, juveniles or adults made. You can shoot outside and inside in covered halls.

Basic criteria for selection

The length and the strength of the draw are the most important factors when choosing a bow. Before you start choosing a bow, choose your side. What does that mean? Try whether it is better for you to aim with your right or left eye, and also with which hand you hold the bow more firmly and it’s easier for you to draw the string.

Then you will encounter a large range of bow lengths and inexperienced archers - beginners often choose the wrong and at the same time uncomfortable length. How to choose then? Measure the length of draw. Stretch out your arm in front of you, imagining a bow handle. With the other hand, make a movement as if you were drawing the string of the imaginary bow to your cheekbone or to your mouth. The distance from the centre of the fist to the mouth is the exact length of the draw. The draw can also be determined by your height. People under 165 cm choose bows up to a length of 64” and if you are taller, bows longer than 66” will be a good fit for you.

The strength of the draw varies depending on your overall strength capabilities. Female beginners are advised to try bows with a force of 20 lbs to 26 lbs. The male beginners are advised bows with a force of 28 lbs to 34 lbs. It is important to find out if you are able to shoot repeatedly with the same force and accuracy. If you choose a bow that is too strong for you, your muscles will get tired faster and the shooting will not be accurate for the next repetitions.

Recurve vs. Compound bow

Once you have measured the correct data and you already know which bow you would like, we will introduce you to the two types of bows that you will find in our e-shop.

Recurve bows are made of durable and resist material. Fibre glass laminate arms ensure sufficient flexibility and we can only recommend them to the young beginner archers. You have a choice of bows with a force from 10 lbs to 35 lbs, so you can choose whether you belong to any age category.

Compound bows, which are among the most accurate bows, are more sophisticated and at the same time relatively easier to operate. They are used as sports equipment, as well as hunting weapons. Due to less physical demands, mainly due to the pulleys, you can shoot much more accurately after a short training and reduce the dispersion of arrows.

Archery equipment

In addition to the bow, of course, you will also need enough arrows. When choosing, pay attention to the parameters, but according to the characteristics of the bow, you should easily find the right arrows. You also need a target rifle and a target.  You can buy either straw or foam target rifles. You can also choose special target bags made of solid fabric and reinforcement. A specialized archery bag will serve well to carry to bow. Strings are one of the most stressed parts of the bow. Therefore, we recommend having one or two spare strings so that you do not lose the functionality of the bow due to its damage or rupture.

The proper archery posture

Do you have a bow, arrows and a target? All you have to do is run to a free and clear area, ideally without people in your immediate (and more distant) vicinity and try to hit the target. Remember a firm posture.

Keep your body straight so that there is no bow or tilt to the bow. Keep your shoulders in the same level and turn sideways. Hold the string with the dominant hand with two or three fingers. Place your fingers under the arrow or hold it between the middle finger and forefinger. Stretch your arm at shoulder height to your face. Do not turn the elbow too much. Then place the arrow on the back of your hand in front of you.

How to increase the accuracy of shooting? Repeat the same cycle using the anchor points. When you draw the bow, always draw your hand to your face to the same place = anchor point. These can be, for example, the mouth or the cheekbone. Everyone must find their own anchor point. Always use the same number of fingers in the same position when drawing the bow. When shooting, try to aim at the smallest possible point on the target. Be calm and breathe. With your exhale, open your fingers and…Did you hit the target? :)


Dobrý deň, chcel by som sa spýtať aké IBS by mohol mať môj drevený luk, ktorý má dostrel cca. 120-150m?


Dobrý deň, tak to sa takto nedá naozaj odhadnúť, nakoľko odpor náťahu priamoúmerne nesúvisí s rýchlosťou šípu a s dostrelom.


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